Sunday, September 24, 2017

How Dance Dance Revolution is getting kids off the couch

Are you concerned about the lack of exercise your child is getting?
Would you like to see them up and moving instead of sitting around so much?

Dance Dance Revolution is the latest dance craze that is a fun and addictive way to help your child get to get up and move without realizes they are even exercising.

Our kid's health and fitness is more important today than ever before since video games, TV and computers are turning our kids into couch potatoes.

This new dance craze called Dance Dance Revolution is a video game played on a gaming system but it is not your typical video game. This fun and exciting Dance pad are hooked up to any play station or Xbox then the player chooses one of their favorite songs from the DDR video game.

This fast-paced game will surely get your child's heart pumping and their feet moving! The player chooses their song and they move their feet to the pattern of the arrows on the dance pad while keeping the beat to the flashing arrows that are moving side to side and up and down.

As your child gets more practice on this engaging game, you will move to higher and higher levels which will progressively turn the game into a fun and challenging workout.

There are many kids today that do not like the typical physical activities that sports provide but once they try Dance Dance Revolution they are usually hooked.

There are many levels from beginner to advanced even the youngest of children can play Dance Dance Revolution.

What better way to get your children involved in exercise than by doing something they love.

If you have a gaming system such as a Play station or Xbox you can own Dance revolution, just connect the DDR Pad to any of these systems. If you want your kids up off the couch doing something that is good for them while they are having fun I highly recommend DDR. What better gift can you give them? Next time your child asks for a play station or Xbox game buy them the DDR pad and game.

Make sure your child keeps his water bottle close by, he's going to need it after this workout.

Weight Loss and Dance revolution 
Dance Dance Revolution games offer a specific "Workout Mode" in which players can choose a song, and play accordingly using either the normal step routine or a modified step routine designed to provide a workout. The workout mode also allows players to track their progress, not in the standard step scores, but by calories burned, minutes played, and distance traveled.

The game also calculates the equivalent of DDR dancing to common exercise activities and can keep track of a player's weight as well.

The built-in workout features have inspired many DDR fans to make playing DDR their primary source of exercise, and some have built entire weight-loss regimens around the game. However, as with all new diet or exercise plans, it is recommended that one discusses the changes with their doctor

There are many different types of DDR pad you can purchase. You will need a gaming system such as a Play station or an Xbox and of course the DDR pads and DDR games

So if you are interested in an extremely fun way to get in shape go ahead and give Dance Dance Revolution a try!

Hear what others are saying about DDR:

Natalie, 14, was drawn to the pulsing techno songs and didn't realize she had slimmed down until she went clothes shopping.

"I went to go buy pants and the 14s were too big. The more I played, I gradually had to get smaller size pants," said Natalie, who now buys size 8 baggy.

Zachary 13, I did not even realize that I was exercising until my mom said something to me one day about losing weight. I realized that Dance revolution was not only fun but I was getting a great workout!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Great Advantages of Electric Cars over Conventional Cars

Recently, we enjoyed a drop in fuel prices. However, you shouldn't really count on this to last a long time. In fact, it's only a matter of time when the oil supplies will start to drop and demand will start to rise, which will result in the rise of fuel prices.

Today, a lot of people already know this fact and they also know that fuel really has something to do with the climate change that the whole world is experiencing today. More and more people today are not just becoming financially conscious, but are also becoming more and more environmentally conscious.

Combine all these factors with the current financial crisis that the world is experiencing along with global warming or climate change, you will find that people are now selling their old car with internal combustion engine and are now starting to buy electric cars powered by electric motors.

The great thing about electric cars today is that it is now very efficient compared to what it was before in the past. Thanks to the latest development in battery cell technology, electric cars are no longer limited to city driving. The batteries are far lighter, more powerful, and it can also be charged a lot faster. The cars are also made with lighter materials, which mean that electric cars today now have a good power to weight ratio.

What's more is that thanks to the gaining popularity of electric cars, the cost of production is continuing to fall, which makes it more and more affordable for everyone to own.

So, just what are the advantages of electric cars over conventional cars?

For starters, electric cars will not use gasoline. This means that you will be able to get huge savings on gasoline purchase alone. Electric cars rely purely on electricity in order for it to work. It doesn't need gasoline or any other fossil fuel to run. This is also the reason why electric cars are so quiet that the loudest noise that you will hear out of it are the wheels rolling.

Another advantage of electric cars over conventional cars is that electric cars are environment friendly. Since electric cars don't use fuel to burn in order to achieve motion, there is literally no harmful emissions coming out of it. If you haven't been paying attention to the ads about global warming lately, you have to keep in mind that the carbon dioxide emission from gasoline powered cars are one of the main causes of climate change or global warming that we are experiencing today.

Lastly, if you own and use an electric car, you will be able to enjoy tax breaks provided by the federal government. You may want to keep in mind that because electric cars don't depend on fuel in order for it to go and the amount of gasoline the country and you will save, the federal government awards people with cars like these tax incentives.

As you can see, there are plenty of advantages that electric cars have over conventional cars. You will not only save money on gasoline but you will also be able to save money on taxes. And, at the same time, you will also contribute to the overall well being of the environment and help stop global warming.

Monday, March 28, 2016

High Blood Pressure Diet Guidelines

It is a well-known fact that heart diseases and excess body weight are related. Obesity, heavy alcohol consumption and lack of activity are the main factors causing high blood pressure. Too much body fat leads to an increased risk of health problems through clogging the blood vessels with cholesterol. That is why the successful treatment of high blood pressure starts with following a diet specifically aimed at reducing high blood pressure.

If you already have high blood pressure, you cannot reverse it to low permanently. Instead, you can control your high blood pressure by taking a prescribed medication and amending your diet. Research has shown that a high blood pressure diet can effectively prevent blood pressure from rising above normal.

Today, most of our meals still contain more fat than the government recommends, and most of the vending machines and fast-food options do not meet the nutritional standards set by the U.S. government. With fast-food snacks available at every corner, it's often hard to switch to a healthy diet.

High blood pressure diets are designed to decrease sodium, increase potassium, and lesser calories. This way you will maintain a reasonable weight. This diet consists of foods that are delicious and low in fat such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products and lean proteins.

Here are some simple tips to help you follow your high blood pressure diet guidelines:
1. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Eating in the morning will increase your energy and will help you avoid snacks before lunch. A quick breakfast can be as easy as a bowl of cereal, a slice of whole-wheat toast, cereal bar or fresh fruit.

2. When following your high blood pressure diet, your daily food intake must include foods from five food groups:
- Protein: Eat meats that are lower in fat, such as chicken, turkey, tuna, or low-fat luncheon meats. Make salads with a low-fat meat or vegetables and light salad dressing.
- Grains: Always try eating a whole wheat version of your favorite bread, be it a loaf, a bagel or a roll.
- Vegetables: Eat tomatoes, peppers, baby carrots and other colorful vegetables as many as you like. The brighter the vegetable, the more antioxidant vitamin A it contains.
- Fruits: Fruits should be eaten fresh. The fruit has fiber and healthy calories, and you will want to eat less during the day. Juice has fructose which fills up with energy. That's why juice should become a part of a healthy breakfast along with a cereal.
- Dairy: Try low-fat or non-fat milk, non-fat chocolate milk, and low-fat cheese. Basically, any type of cottage cheese or yogurt goes well with fruit.

If you want to avoid facing complicated and often life-threatening consequences of high blood pressure, you may want to ensure that you and your family eat healthy meals that don't pack on the pounds and raise your cholesterol.

Emphasizing healthy food choices can help you enjoy your meals without excessive fat, sugar, and calories. Healthy food choices can be a carry-over from a healthy menu and meal planning at home while managing your high blood pressure with diet.

Switching to a diet without excessive fat and salt and staying fit will help you lose weight and can help prevent or at least delay heart-related problems. Along with monitoring and medication treatment, a high blood pressure diet can help control your blood pressure and reduce your risk of stroke, kidney and heart failure and heart attack.

See your doctor before making any diet or lifestyle changes.

Friday, March 4, 2016

The Price Of Gold

As other precious metals, gold is measured by troy weight and by grams. And when it is alloyed with supplementary metals the term carat or karat is used to specify the amount of gold present, with 24 carats being pure gold and lower ratings being proportionally less. The purity of a gold bar can also be written as a decimal figure ranging from 0 to 1, known as the millesimal fineness, such as 0.995.

Carat and gold price

Carat is a measure of the purity of gold and platinum alloys. One carat is one twenty-fourth purity by its weight. Thus 24-carat gold is pure gold (99.99%); 12-carat gold is 50% purity, et cetera. In the United States and Canada, the word karat is typically used for the measure of purity, while carat is referring to the measure of mass.

The carat system is gradually more being complemented or superseded by the millesimal fineness system where the purity of precious metals is denoted by parts per thousand of pure metal in the alloy.

The most frequent carats used for gold in bullion, jewelry making and goldsmith are:

24 carat (millesimal fineness 999), 22 carat (millesimal fineness 916), 20 carat (millesimal fineness 833), 18 carat (millesimal fineness 750), 16 carat (millesimal fineness 625), 14 carat (millesimal fineness 585), 10 carat (millesimal fineness 417) and 9 carat (millesimal fineness 375).

The open market gold price

The gold prices is determined on the open market, but a procedure recognized as the Gold Fixing in London, originating in 1919; provide a twice-daily benchmark figure to the industry.

The historically gold price

Historically gold was used to back currency in an economic system recognized as the gold standard a certain weight of gold was given the name of a unit of currency. For a long period, the United States government set the value of the US dollar so that one troy ounce was equivalent to $20.67 ($664.56/kg), but in 1934 the dollar was revalued to $35.00 per troy ounce ($1125.27/kg). And by 1961 it was becoming harder to uphold this price, and a pool of US and European banks agreed on manipulating the market to stop further currency devaluation against increased gold demand.

On 17 March 1968, economic conditions caused the collapse of the gold pool, and a two-tiered pricing scheme was established and gold was still used to settle international accounts at the old $35.00 per troy ounce ($1.13/g) but the price of gold on the private market was allowed to rise and fall; this two-tiered pricing system was discarded in 1975 when the price of gold was left to find its free-market level. Central banks still hold historical gold reserves as a store of value even though the level has generally been declining. The biggest gold depository in the world is that of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in New York.

Ever since 1968 the price of gold on the open market has ranged widely, with a record high $850/oz. ($27,300/kg) on 21 January 1980, to a low $252.90/oz. ($8,131/kg) on 21 June 1999 (London Fixing). On 26 April 2006 the London gold fixing was $635.50/oz.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Eat Right in Action: The Best Tips to Help You Fight Fast Food Obesity

What really causes obesity?

You have had a delicious, yet healthy meal and are feeling pleased with yourself for turning down the bacon double cheeseburger that had been calling your name for broiled fish and steamed veggies.

And then, the torture device rolls into view, a dessert cart laden with trays of your favorite hot fudge sundae, apple pie, and cheesecakeQ. With just the sight of it, you instantly devour everything and feel your stomach grumbling for more.

That is a typical fast food situation. And that is one of the typical reasons why fast food obesity is on the rise.

Among the most alarming conditions of obesity nowadays, fast food obesity is speedily becoming a trend, especially in the United States. Who could resist those mouth-watering grilled hamburgers, french fries, and sundaes?

Besides, as what most people say, these foods are high-energy sources. So what is wrong with eating foods that will boost one's energy?

You think they are right? Guess again.

These people do not know that fast foods are jam-packed with innumerable calories. The concept of acquiring more energy through fast foods provides a negative idea. What they do not know is that whenever they eat fast foods, their bodies devour more calories than what their bodies require.

Food experts say that the mechanism and structure of the human body is not specially designed to deal with the high-energy concentration foods such as those purchased at the fast food centers. And because they are readily available anytime, anywhere, fast foods had suddenly become one of the most typical meals of every American.

Hence, the growth of fast food obesity cases is inevitable.

When Temptation Strikes

For some people, fast food obesity requires a major shift in their perception of food. If you see fast foods as an instant reward system, a comfort when you are feeling down, or a symbol of love for your family, you need to develop positive replacements for it.

Food is fuel; and while your tank will take a little fast food, look at the quantity and quality of what you are filling up on analytically rather than emotionally. Studies show that it only takes a small amount of fast food to increase one's "calorie intake."

The problem with most people is that eating fast foods have already become their way of life. Whenever they want to meet their friends, they go for fast foods. Whenever they want to talk after watching a movie, they go for fast foods.

Social events like these that are all centered on eating can offer a whole new set of challenges for people who really wish to lose weight.

So what do you have to do now? Here's how:

1. Eat less, exercise more

If you really cannot help avoid eating fast foods on an instant, it is okay. Just keep in mind to eat less every time you order some fries. And to make your weight more bearable, exercise more.

Fast food obesity is mostly due to lack of exercise while taking excessive high-energy density fast foods. The I Calories just continue to build up as people continue to devour one hamburger after another without even trying to walk around the parking lot before driving home.

2. Alternative solutions

Since fast food is the primary culprit, it would be better if the manufacturers of fast food chains should serve fewer foods that are jam-packed with high-energy density foods. They should serve more foods that promote "healthy eating."

The bottom line is that if people want to combat fast food obesity, it is important that they do not just trade one harmful meal for a different combination but still promotes unhealthy eating such as fast foods.

Health experts say over and over again that the best way to avoid obesity is to be conscious about the foods that you eat and to indulge in exercise. That is the only way to maintain a healthy way of life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Control And Responsibility For Teens

Top 10 Sites Detailing Teens Responsibilities
Control and Responsibility

Dear Daughter,

In an earlier letter we touched on the concepts of control and responsibility. Let's go a little deeper with these important ideas.

If you ever find that someone's behavior is "driving you nuts," please slow down and consider the possibility of control issues on your part. Did you know that it is possible for you to try to control another person and not even be aware of what you are doing? It's very possible. In fact, this is a common dynamic in relationships that involve drug and alcohol abuse. However, this dynamic is often found in other relationships as well. It is something you need to know and understand in order to avoid bad relationships and increase your ability to develop good relationships.

Does it upset you when you hear someone gossip. Does it upset you when someone acts as if they are better than everyone else, or if someone is rude? These things can be aggravating, but if you stay irritated longer than most other people, stop and consider the possibility of control issues.

When you are upset by another person's behavior, it's usually because they are not behaving the way you think they should behave. You may know what the person is doing wrong and what they should or should not do. It may be clear to you that the person's behavior is harmful. If they would only do as you say they would be much better off. You want to help this person and it drives you nuts that they will not listen.

Remember that you cannot control another person. You can make suggestions, but you can't control the person and make them behave as you think they should. In fact, the only thing you can control is your own behavior.

Some of your discomfort may be because you feel responsible for the other person's behavior. You may feel embarrassed, almost as if it was your behavior. Think about this: If you can't control another person's behavior, how can you be responsible for that behavior? You are not responsible. You are only responsible for your own behavior. You can only control your own behavior. If another person chooses to gossip, be rude, or abuse drugs / alcohol, remember that they are responsible for that behavior, not you. You cannot force them to stop because you cannot control them.

What can you control and what are you responsible for? You can only control one thing and you are only responsible for one thing, which is your own behavior. So, what can you do in these situations?

First, it is helpful to stop and think through the situation as it relates to control and responsibility. Are you upset? If you are upset, is it related to another person's behavior? Were you in control of that behavior? Were you responsible for that behavior? If not, then put that burden down. Take the weight off of your shoulders and feel the relief! It is always helpful to clarify what you are and what you are not in control of, and what you can and cannot do.

Now that the mind is clear, think about what you can control and what you are responsible for. This would be your own behavior. Now you can stop filling your mind with what the other person is doing and focus on what you can do. This removes a burden for you and it's much more productive. You may choose to have a conversation with the person and let them know that what you heard sounded rude or arrogant. They may listen and adjust their behavior, or you may be ignored. Either way, you have thought it through and chosen to act rather than react. You are responsible for your actions and you acted responsibly. Everyone is responsible for their own actions.

What about the person who feels guilty because they "made" someone angry? Does it upset you if someone becomes angry? I suppose that many people would feel some emotion. However, each person decides how he or she will respond to a situation. Sometimes they give it some thought and act, and sometimes they react with little thought.

Did you know that you can't make me mad? Don't get me wrong, I may become angry, but it will be my choice. I am responsible for my own anger. Before you smile too big, know that you are not off the hook. You are not responsible for my anger, but you are responsible for your behavior that I am reacting to. You see, I have a choice. I can become angry and ground you, or I can remain calm and ground you. That's not a very good example, is it?

The point is that not only are we responsible for our own actions, but we are also responsible for our own reactions and emotions [an exception would be the individual who suffers from a mental illness and a chemical imbalance that affects the emotions].

Have you ever known someone who is easily angered? Often, the people around this person bend over backwards and walk on eggshells to keep this person from becoming angry. There are several things happening here. First of all, the people around this person are trying to control another person. Do you see it? They believe that it is best if this person does not become angry. They are attempting to control this person's emotions by doing whatever it takes to keep the person from becoming angry. The problem is that all of this effort takes a toll on these people and they are miserable. It is frustrating because they are trying to do the impossible, that is, control another person.

Secondly, these people are feeling responsible for another person's feelings. The more the person misbehaves with his or her anger, the more embarrassed the other people become.

Finally, these people are reinforcing this person's inappropriate anger. All the person has to do is become angry and everyone scrambles to please him or her.

I am not suggesting that you should intervene in these situations and intentionally make the person angry, although that might be fun. I just want you to be aware of the dynamic and not get caught up in the role of trying to control another person.

I hope that this is not confusing. I am telling you this too, hopefully, avoid confusion. I also want you to be aware of this dynamic and avoid trying to control another person or feel responsible for another person's behavior. Understanding the principles of responsibility and control will be valuable throughout your lifetime.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What Are You Willing To Do To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals

What are you willing to do to achieve your weight loss goals?

I'm approached quite regularly about which diet is best, which book would I recommend, and what exercise program should  people follow?  People think they can just purchase a book to read and then some sort of magic occurs whereby reading it will cause their fat to magically disappear. Well, I'm here to break the news to you, the $40 investment in your weight loss book is just the start, there's a lot of hard work and other expenses involved.

Time Investment

There's time invested in your education (reading, watching videos, etc.), the time you'll spend exercising doing both Cardio, and weight training. There's time spent creating your new meal
plans as well as preparation of those meals the day before, or days in advance. There's time involved in doing extra laundry because you're suddenly logging more exercising on your weight loss journey.

Let me ask you this: What's your favorite television show?  How much television are you watching in a given week? 1 Hour?  Six? Are you willing to eliminate television to allow yourself time to go to the gym and prepare foods for the next day? If not, then don't bother buying books that recommend food and exercise programs? It takes time to prepare food for 5 or 6 meals in a day and to go to the gym once or twice a day. Weight loss requires a time investment.

Food Investment

The quality of the food you put in your body is directly proportional to the quality of your cells. It's your cells that create energy and make your various bodily systems run, and if they give the best quality food, then they're able to regenerate and be healthy.

Conversely, low quality food creates a low quality cell. A low quality cell is not up to the demand of generating energy nor the proper removal of wastes which then results in sickness and disease.

In conversation with a fellow regarding his food program and how he could make corrections to his diet to improve his health, burn fat, improve his workouts and achieve his weight loss goal, I suggested a few "new" products. Oatmeal, some whole grain wraps, spring mix salad, and Essential Fatty Acid, Almond butter and whole grain basmati rice were a few places to begin.

"You didn't tell me how expensive it was going to be!" was his response.

Well, I don't consider it expensive, so I would not have said that it was.

Our cells are our power plants in our body. Our body is constantly rebuilding itself daily and hourly. Our skeleton replaces itself once a year and the muscular lining of our stomach and our intestines is replaced every 3 to 4 days, so it only makes sense to give it the highest quality food. Doesn't it?

You're probably going to come to the same conclusion that most other people do. The food I put in my body creates a healthy body and I must take care in my food choices.

Whole grain oatmeal costs more money than cocoa puffs. Raw almonds cost more than hickory smoked almonds and you probably never knew what Essential Fats or Pro Biotic were. Weight loss requires an investment in food.

Cutting Expenses To Reach Your Goal

If you're not able to increase the amount of food you eat financially or the quality of the food you eat (organic), then what are you willing to do to get it. Are you willing to cut some other costs? Are you willing to increase your sales at your job or home business to be able to afford this new change? The first reasonable step is to make some switches or replacements. Take note of non nutritional foods in your day - consider snacks, junk foods, coffee, pop, cigarettes (I hope you're not still smoking), milk or dairy products, alcohol, vitamins, tums, Rolaids, Pepto Bismol, etc. and see how much you're spending on a daily or monthly basis.

Are you willing to replace these for higher quality nutritional foods that will support you in your weight loss goals? It can be a scary thought for some people. Others accept the challenge readily because they've truly committed to their weight loss goals and are willing to do Whatever It Takes! Switching and replacing is the easiest thing to do. Weight Loss requires sacrifice.

Invest in Yourself

Your body, your mind, your soul and becoming the best you can be is the single best investment you can make. Make the decision to eat the cleanest food you can, make the healthiest choices you can, begin to switch from non nutritional foods to nutritional foods and let go negativity in your life. Weight loss is easy, but requires some investment.

Eat Well, Be Well
Aubrey J Porter

 Start Losing Weight with the Eat-Stop-Eat Program...