Saturday, August 18, 2012

How to be Sensitive with Women

If you are hoping to be successful in the world of seduction, you're going to have learn to become more sensitive toward woman. When a woman looks at a man armed with her unique perspective, one of the key things she sees is how sensitive the person is. It can truly be a pass or fail characteristic. If the lady in your life doesn't see a sensitive side, she's going to be put off. Personality counts for so much, especially if you're hoping to go further with a relationship.

Just what sensitivity is!  Sensitivity, or being sensitive, is just one of those things that's gotten such a bad rap as to make it virtually a taboo. False impressions are to blame, and we can dismiss such misconceptions so we can get on with the business of becoming a more sensitive person. But what sensitivity really is, in truth, is responsive to things around you. It's a general sense of what's going on around .

Don't think it's just a matter of self-awareness and a general idea of the world around us, sensitive women want in a man goes a bit further. Or, put more directly, women are looking for a specific kind of sensitivity in men.

Here's an example you're sure to remember from some movie you once saw: a young couple are walking along a street at night, and the temperature is dropping. Conveniently, she had forgotten to bring a coat, but he had remembered to bring his. He notices her shivering, and quickly offers his coat to her, despite his own need for the coat.

Okay, that's a basic example. But what matters is that the guy was aware of his girlfriend's need, and he did something about it. Moreover, he made a sacrifice for her. This is a big deal. When a man can be more concerned about the welfare of someone else than himself, he's got a chance to impress the ladies.