Monday, May 13, 2013

Are Student Loans Becoming Necessary Evils?

When it comes to getting a college education most people can agree that the costs can be staggering at best. Even the least expensive colleges in the nation can add up over a four or five year period of time creating crippling debt for those who do not qualify for some of the better grant programs of substantial scholarships.

The problem lies in the fact that the parents of most traditional college students make too much money to qualify for the free financial aid that is needs based and very few qualify for the limited number of scholarships that are available to students based on merit. Even among those that qualify competition and fierce and there are no guarantees. Enter the student loan. There are all kinds of student loans and unfortunately with rising costs associated with college attendance and the growing necessity of a college degree for success in this country it is becoming more and more difficult to pay the price that is associated with higher education.

There are three types of loans that are commonly found for college students. They include federal student loans, federal plus loans, and private student loans. Each type of loan has advantages and disadvantages that are unique to that particular loan. Below I will give a little information about each of the loan types and whom they may benefit.

Student loans. There are three different types of student loans: subsidized, unsubsidized, and Perkins loans.

Perkins loans are only available to students who display exceptional financial need. These loans are available at a 5% interest rate and are available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Perkins loans are extended through the university you attend and will be repaid to the university unlike the other types of student loans, which are repaid to the lending agency.

Subsidized student loans are loans in which the interest is deferred until graduation or you cease to be a qualifying student. What this means is that while you are responsible for repaying the loan upon graduation the interest on these loans does not begin to accrue until your begin repayment 6 months after graduation or your cease to be at least a half time student of the university. You must qualify based on your income in order to receive a subsidized student loan. While the needs requirements for these loans isn't as grave as those required in order to receive a Perkins loan you must still qualify.

Unsubsidized student loans do not require qualification on a needs basis. You must be a student and enrolled at least half time in order to receive an unsubsidized student loan. The good news however for those who do not qualify based on needs for other student loan options is that this type of loan is available to all qualifying students regardless of need. The interest on these loans however begins to accrue immediately, which means they can really add up over time.

PLUS loans are loans that are taken out by the parents of students who need the funds in order to cover educational expenses. The maximum amount that can be borrowed is the cost of attendance minus any financial aid awards the student has already received. The repayment on these loans begins 60 days after the loan is dispersed and the repayment period can be up to 10 years.

In order to cover the costs involved in education that go above and beyond what the government recognizes as acceptable college related expenses you can opt to go the route of private student loans rather then relying solely upon federal financial aid for your student loan source. These loans require that you qualify in order to receive them based on your credit rather than your need and must be used for educational purposes only. With these particular loans you really need to make sure you read all the fine print as different companies offer different conditions and different perks. You should really take the time and compare prices and options before taking out a private student loan and this should be done only as a last resort.

Student loans for many can be the difference in attending college and getting the education you are hoping for and not being able to pay the high costs that go along with higher education. For this reason you should treat them with respect and not take them lightly.

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fake "Facebook Security Team" scouring the net for your credentials!

An account posing as that of the Facebook Security Team has been spotted sending warnings to page administrators, trying to fool them into believing that their Facebook account will be suspended due to a violation of the social network's Terms of Service:

Warning, the form looks like this:

The message offers a link for verifying the account, and it takes users to a third party Facebook application that requests them to enter their Facebook page name, email or phone and password.

If entered and submitted, that information is automatically sent to the scammers behind this phishing scheme and used to hijack the account.

If you have fallen for the trick, try to access your account. If you are able to do so, change your password immediately. If you have already been locked out, report the compromise and Facebook will help you regain control of the account.

"Anytime you see a Facebook page in the following, you should know that you are NOT dealing with an application created by Facebook," Facecrooksadvises. "Scammers use official sounding page names, applications and links to make their schemes appear legitimate to unsuspecting and ill-informed users."

    See Full Story at Link Below:
    Fake "Facebook Security Team" account asks for your credentials

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    Avoid Confusion To Improve Memory

    Using peg words in helping us to remember needed information is a good method. However, one thing that we must be careful when we use this method is confusion. When we use the same words in memorizing things, there is a large possibility of confusion. For instance, if you will memorize a roster of countries and their currencies on peg words, then you memorize the US states on the same peg, you might have the chance of recalling that Florida is the Capital of Mongolia.

    Avoiding confusion in using peg words depends in some individuals who can have several information of the same pegs with no sweat at all, while other people are entirely confused. This can be practically avoided if we continually practicing. Some techniques that you can use to avoid confusion in using pegs to improve your memory are the following:

    1. Short-term lists

    If you need to memorize a series of data for a short-term recall, such as a to do list, then you don't have to make such effort. By the time you are familiarized with your list, you will not mind if you cannot remembered the first task in the morning.

    2. Medium-term lists

    If you need to be familiarized with a series of data for a medium-term recall, such as shopping lists for the whole month, or an upcoming game schedule, you can try a different method of using pegs. You don't have to memorize hundreds of new peg words; mostly you just need at least ten sets or even lower. You can use the usual set of 1-10 on the first set that you want to be familiarized with, then you can expand it to 11-20 when the need arise.

    3. Long-term lists

    If you really need to memorize permanent information, you need to make an effort in planning. For example, you can memorize countries and their official currencies using the same peg words. However, if this was done several months ago, you brain can actually forgot what you need. Also, since there are over 200 countries, but only 100 pegs available, you will need to re-use pegs again. You can also use the technique of association when can you remember the name of the country and the currency.

    4. Long-term lists version 2.0

    This technique is quite different but it can help you when you need to memorize fast lists such as the multiplication table. This technique can help you recall the multiplication table permanently and fast. It would take forever if we would devote our time searching for answers for simple multiplication equations such as 8 x 9 = 72.

    So in this technique, forget about the peg words and just memorize the whole multiplication table by saying the equation like 8 x 9 = 72 for a dozen of times until it will be permanently associated with your brain. This is hard since it will take longer to memorize all the number equations. But don't grieve yet, there are only few things that you should memorize using this "over and over again" technique.

    Only use peg words if they necessary. As an example, if you want to memorize your friend's cellular phone number. There is no need to use specific peg words you can learn it all with association.