Thursday, May 1, 2014

Truth and Consequences!

How Costly was this blunder?
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver set a precedent ruling by barring the Clippers owner from having any role with the team following the release of recordings of Sterling spewing racist rhetoric in a conversation with his former mistress. Silver said the ruling cannot be appealed.
The NBA commissioner permanently bounced an unapologetic Donald Sterling from the league over the Los Angeles Clippers owner’s flagrantly foul attack on African-Americans.  Outraged pro hoops czar Adam Silver made a fast break Tuesday with the basketball bigot, announcing his league would take a zero-tolerance policy toward Sterling’s hate speech.  “Effective immediately, I am banning Mr. Sterling for life from any association with the Clippers organization or the NBA,” Silver said flatly.
The ban was merely the first part of Silver’s three-point play: He levied a $2.5 million fine against Sterling, and vowed to do “everything in my power” to force Sterling’s  to sale the Clippers.

The fine is the maximum allowed by the NBA, and the ban is not open for appeal, the commissioner said. Sterling learned about the penalties just before the 2 p.m. announcement.
Photo by Mike Segar/Reuters
Silver also confirmed that Sterling, in their conversations, expressed no remorse about the anti-black comments made public by
And Sterling, 80, who bought the Clippers in 1981, never denied ordering his girlfriend not to “bring blacks to my games” — an edict that mentioned hoops Hall of Famer Magic Johnson.
A lawyer for V. Stiviano the girlfriend, told the Los Angeles Times Tuesday night that she was never Sterling’s mistress — and claimed she had made the tape with his knowledge and had not released it.
Sterling’s edict on the explosive tape mentioned hoops Hall of Famer Magic Johnson.

I've said enough, he is a another rich man who thinks money can by his way out of any situation, but  it goes to show that money does not buy everything, and that includes peoples self respect, and dignity, neither are for sale, and nor is racist hate tolerated in a dominated sport that is no less than 70% African American, and other so called minorities making up a few more percentage points.

Focused Hate coming from an NBA owner is preposterous, and proved that there is no place in basketball for Hate, the Players are all in a association together as one, so when one is hurt, they all feel his pain and will try and support the associate member to the best of their abilities.

Donald Sterling banned For Life Fined 2.5 Million and will be forced to sell Team by Adam silver!

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